Leonardiana in Polish collections - E-BOOK
Authors: Dorota Folga-Januszewska, Anna Kwiatkowska, Elżbieta Modzelewska, Iwona Szmelter, Agnieszka Woźniak-Wieczorek
The book Leonardiana in Polish Collections accompanies an exhibition which opens a cycle of presentations of works of art. from the historic Wilanów Collection in the context of the interests and fascinations of art. collectors. Each volume in this cycle is also a collection catalouque, conceived not as a list of data and information regarding a certain group of museum objects or an outstanding work of art. but as a report on our state of knowlege, or lack of thereof at the current stage of research and at the present time.
Publisher: Wilanow Palace Museum
Publication date: 2019
ISBN 978-83-66104-17-4